Saturday 7 June 2014

Good news story (for a change!)

I don't read,watch or listen to too much news as I find it depressing but of course I am exposed to "news" most of the time. Warren watches the news on TV while I get dinner so I do get to hear it and we watch the Project which does advertise itself as "Its news but not as you know it."

Last night there was an item that did catch my attention and it was about a couple on their way to hospital as Mum was about to give birth. Things progressed very quickly and hubby was passing a police station and called in there for help. Where upon two female constables helped the mum deliver the baby in the front seat of the car. There were shots of the baby and mum and the two coppers talking about how quickly they had to prepare for the birth and of course smiles all round.

An interesting thing though, was the fact that the two women police officers were in uniform with names badges but the badges only had their rank and numbers. Apparently that is something of recent times so that they cannot be identified, well its a step in the right direction. Its like anything else, if someone is really determined to find out somebody's id then they could but it does make it a little more difficult.

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