Saturday 28 June 2014

A crazy week

leading up to end of term and the end of my five weeks of work. Kids and teachers were getting tired and there was still some work for some students to do. Some classes that I went to, were showing movies or parts of them. Science class watched a couple of episodes of Myth busters and then did a couple of experiments themselves outside, seeing how far different types of balls would bounce. That was interesting, one group were upset as they thought that they had used the measuring stick the wrong way. When I pointed out that the actual measurement didn't matter as they weren't competing with others, they just had to compare the three balls that they did, suddenly they were all smiles again. Of course the super ball went higher than the tennis ball or the poly ball, some got as high as 76 cms, others around the 60 cms mark.

As I have been going to many year eleven classes and they had block exams, I found myself going to different classes to help students get assignments finished. I accompanied two boys to a music lesson only to find that their assessment was actually playing in a group and being filmed but I did assist in some behaviour management, the next day I was with the same class and typing up their written assignment which was on Aussie bands, one was about AC/DC, that was great. Although kids use computers a lot and from year nine, they have their own or the use of, many of them struggle to think and type so I type what they tell me.

During the week, the one boy in the wheel chair had his gear box malfunction and staff had to get the maintenance people out and then yesterday there was an accident with a door being pushed open while he was heading towards it (probably at a great rate of knots lol) which resulted in one of his foot plates coming off, again he was stationary while a new bolt was found (it had sheered off the bolt). The staff room has its own tool box to cope with these types of things but he was motionless for a little while.

Also during the week, I was asked if I would consider returning next term for fifteen hours a week, Yes please, I said so in two weeks, I go back for three days a week until the position is advertised and then i can apply for the permanent job. Yippee (do you get the feeling that I like it!) Don't know what I will be doing  yet.

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