Friday 6 June 2014

Friday night

We don't eat enough fish so I have been trying to introduce fish on Friday nights, sometimes it might just be a piece of fish and home-made chips as Friday nights is also footy night.

I decided to go a bit up market tonight and had taken out of the freezer last night a pack of mixed sea food, lots of squid, mussels,prawns and some pieces of fish.

A dish that I make is called a corn chowder but its more fish than corn but what's in a name? Its a Jamie Oliver one that I saw on TV and then made it, one of his 30 minute meal and really its takes much less than that. Mine is probably a bit different each time I make it and I don't get the recipe book out but the main things are there.

This is how I made it tonight, half an onion diced and some bacon (I have a diced pack in freezer so I just grab some) fried in a knob of butter. Add 1,2 or potatoes (I only had one so only one went in the pot) 2 or 3 sweet corn (tonight I used a tin). It seemed light on vegetables so four mushrooms and some shredded cabbage went in the pot as well along with a tin of coconut milk, then in went the fish pieces, lid on and I checked my emails.

Added a dash of fish sauce and a dollop of mustard sauce, stir in and ready to serve. I had nan bread in the cupboard so we shared one of these to dunk into the chowder. Eat, watch the news, clean up and ready to settle down and watch the AFL.

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