Tuesday 3 June 2014

Road works

On my way to work this morning, I went through four lots of road works! It must be that time of the year. The first one is not far from home and it operated by lights, its also very short probably only about 100 metres, today the light was green and I sailed through it,feeling very pleased with myself as it was the second morning in a row that I did not have to stop.

I was driving the whole way today and therefore taking some different roads, its a very nice drive, one patch is dirt for about six/seven kilometres. As I reach the dirt there were signed stating "Prepare to stop delays up to fifteen minutes" 15 minutes on the way to work, that's a lot! Could not see any one else around so I continue and suddenly there is one single guy with a stop sign. After a couple of minutes, he walked over the car and said that it would be at least ten minutes, thank goodness I had left early. Apparently they would be there for the next week at least, I intend to drive that way again on Thursday so will need to allow extra time just in case. They were grading one side of the road and of course had closed the other side for three kilometres.

Finally after twelve minutes, I was able to continue and by then there were another four cars behind me. At the end though there was a long line up. Two more road works but karma was with me and I didn't need to stop. Took me an hour and twenty to get to work.


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