Wednesday 11 June 2014

We bought a caravan

On Sunday we went to the caravan and camping and came away being the owners of a new caravan. How the h......did that happen?

We had looked at another camper and it was set up similar to ours with a north south bed, more room and a bit stronger than ours BUT we want to be able to pull up on the road and get into the van, make a coffee, have lunch even have a quick lie down if we want so another camper doesn't fit the bill (plus we have a caravan! even though we have nothing to pull it.)

We looked at Jayco Doves, Swift and a Hawke, all light weight but again cant access them without setting them up. Then a salesman came over and starting chatting and we were discussing what we wanted from a van and he said something along the line of "There's a light weight one over here that would probably suit" of course we went to look and within thirty minutes we were signing on the dotted line.

We had done what we always do with one saying no we cant, the other well yes we could and we go back and forth until we both agree.

Positive things are we don't need to buy another car, it will fit in the garage therefore we don't need to concrete outside or erect a new fence and gate, its new so hopefully no problems or it will be under warranty and finally stuff it its only money. (we have since realised that even though it will fit inside the garage, the door opening is not high enough to allow it to go through the door, bummer)

negative side is the cost (again stuff it, its only money)

It does take three months for the vans to be made but we could nominate a date up to the end of the year, as we had no plans to go anywhere except motorbike riding, we asked for a pick up date in early December.
This is a picture of our new van, we went for single beds (gives a full length bed and a little more room inside by having singles) have an A/C, and a microwave, no oven which I didn't want anyway. An awning on the outside and we opted to have an TV aerial fitted which they added in the price, bonus. Now we need to sell our fixer upper caravan.

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