Sunday 29 June 2014

Wimbledon tennis

I love watching the tennis and have been watching Wimbledon this week, unfortunately it is only shown on TV at 8.30pm. I have et the rule that i will watch the first set as its usually an Aussie up first and we tape the rest of the match.

Even though we heard that Lleyton (Hewitt) our number one player had won his first match we still watched what we had recorded.

This year Australia had the most player in years, I think thirteen, maybe it was an unlucky number as we only have one after the first week. Nick Kyrgio played last night but it was delayed because of rain so we were able to watch all of the footy (Brisbane v North Melbourne) I'm sure no-one expected Brisbane to win but they got in front and managed to stay there, winning by nine points in the end. During the week Jono Brown had retired, he had been their go to player for years but in his last game had been concussed again and doctors advised him to call it quits.  It did seem as though the players were giving 110% to win a game for Brownie, he was there for his send off and walked the boundary at half time with his kids. In an interview, he said that it had been a busy week for him, Sunday evening he had met with his coach and discussed his options, Monday he announced to the media his immediate retirement and next Tuesday morning his wife gave birth to their third child, since then he had been between the hospital and giving interviews.

Anyway, rather than chose between the footy and the tennis, we got to see both until the rain came and stopped it. Nick was down four games to one and we really thought that he may have gone out but we taped it anyway. This morning's news before we could stop it we heard that he had won thru.

We havent seen the match yet but will probably watch it tomorrow. Nick was/is the only teenager playing (male) as there is a sixteen year old female who has now gone out. Nick had to play qualifying to get a place and has already put out the thirteen seed no hes no slouch, looking forward to seeing him jump up the ranks. I have an app on my tablet re tennis and after his game two days ago he has gone from 245 place to 86, there are now five aussies in the top one hundred.

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