Wednesday 18 June 2014

A winter picnic

Warren had gone to archery for a shoot on Sunday morning and I was reading some forums, one woman was asking for ideas for a picnic without needing to heat/cook anything while out. The picnic idea appealed to me as it was a nice sunny day  Didn't have much in the way of picnic food (I thought), raided the freezer for some frozen spring rolls, heated them in the oven and when heated through I wrapped them in some tin foil.

I made two small individual salads with some tinned meat, couple of cupcakes again from the freezer, couple of pieces of fruit and a flask of hot water. I found my choc/coffee mixture which is brilliant to take as the milk is already mixed in. Two cups wrapped in a couple of paper towel and it was all done.

Luckily Warren, is most times just happy to fall into my ideas. Next thing was where to go, he decided to check out a place on the way to tennis, its alongside the river off the road and reasonable quiet. Well, on a Sunday it wasn't that quiet as there were heaps of people fishing. We choose a place between the fishing groups, laid out our blanket, mixed the coffee and enjoyed our lunch and the sun. Forty minutes after we packed up and drove home after a restful hour or so.

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