Thursday 5 June 2014

Locked out

Today at school, I was with year elevens doing Australian History, the next lesson was maths with some of the same kids. I walked to the classroom with one of the boys and we found ourselves outside a locked classroom. The teacher was inside with some students, he came over and opened the door and told me that I could go in but not the students who were outside. I figured that he wanted to speak to those students in particular. Well, he did! regarding their lateness.he continued to speak about lateness and toilet breaks, anyone who was late or needed to go to the toilet would have to stay five minutes after class into their lunchtime.

Now the school's timetable has the second lesson finishing and the start of the third lesson at the same time. This would be fine if students are using the same classroom but many have to move from classroom so not possible.

Apparently he is a student teacher being assessed and was flexing his muscles as it were, I wondered if he had looked at the timetable. We had arrived three minutes after the time.

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