Sunday 31 July 2016

Reversing Camera

We had talked about getting one of these for awhile and hadnt done anything about. Nice idea, one of these days type of things.

Warren felt the car was veering a little to the left and declared that it needed a wheel alignment and he booked it in last week. Before he came back he had visited Auto Barn and sussed out reversing cameras.

We had used one in the hire car that we had used in Darwin and thought it was pretty good. He came home with prices and for $420, it was the purchase price and fitting, we decided to go for it.

Car needed to be there on Friday morning, of course Murphy's law, the first available time they had was Thursday which was the only day we had the lunch up the coast, so Friday it needed to be.

Got a call just after lunch to pick it up and Warren was going to go down by bus but as he had to wait twenty minutes, I suggested that the bike would be quicker. He said "If I take the bike, I would have to dink you down" Yes, that was the idea. I realised that it is almost twelve months since I have been on the back of his bike.

Camera is great, the rear view mirror is larger as the screen is in there. The camera is quite small and sits above the number plate, it does show up all of the back. I dont think I could ever get used to only looking at the screen but it is a good addition for ease and safety.

Saturday 30 July 2016

A Backpack

Our only grand daughter's birthday is coming up in a couple of months, she will be five and I like to keep an open mind regarding gifts. When I saw this backpack kit, it seemed an ideal present as she loves owls.

The pieces were printed on to one piece of fabric with instructions but I am glad that I have been sewing for a long time as I didn't think the instructions were all that clear.

I bought the kit earlier in the week and finished it today. It will not hold a great deal, certainly not suitable for lunch boxes etc but hopefully she will like it.
The face lifts up and it has a drawstring pouch, the straps need to be fitted and then a knot tied to hold it in place. I just love the feet that don't do anything, just a decoration.

Friday 29 July 2016

Project three

So we have three projects on the go, project three has been on the back burner for quite awhile. When we bought the caravan we had to dismantle the side gate which as only small to get access to the back yard.

It was always going to be replaced with a wider gate but it had not happened so now it was going to be fixed and repaired. There was no time frame for this. Earlier in the week, Warren stated that he wanted to go to Bunnings to get a post. A post? I asked, yes to fix the fence.

Who am I to argue? if he is going to get on with doing that. Winter is a good time to work outside as summer is far too hot.

I apparently was required to check out the post plus they do nice and cheap coffee. We also bought a pot that we need to get Project two up and running so it was from one end of the store to the other and it is a very big store.

This is the start, the ground is quite hard so the idea as to dig a bit then add water to soften it.

One hole.

Gate is back up with post cemented in and now the side panel is to be a solid piece to fit in between, this was one afternoons work.

Looking good, it is very straight and matches the other gate. Hopefully the side panel will be completed over the weekend.

Then we are going to shift the bricks and get some turf as the lawn has died where the caravan was standing.
Maybe project three will be finished before project one.

Floor cushions/pillows

I have made these in the last week or so.

These are for Project one. The two smaller ones on the right are just one piece and the one on the left is four pillow cases stitched together and then pillows inserted. This will make it easier to wash if and when they need it. I am thinking for sleeping purposes, it may need another one added. The one I saw had one pillow doubled under the others to make a type of back to it. For now this will be the sitting/seating/lying arrangement for the "new" room. We will probably buy a small chair as well.

Apparently it was going to be too awkward and costly to get a TV port in there and thees not much on TV anyway when the kids would be here so we are just going with putting a TV with DVD in there. Heaven knows, we do have plenty of those.

Some-one in the area was looking for a chest of drawers to use as a baby cupboard and so we delivered it to her, we were going to take some excess furniture to the opp shop. It saved one step and as she wanted it now, meant that we got rid of it now. One piece of furniture from the room gone.

We are in the process of emptying the filing cabinet, most of the paperwork can be thrown out or shredded, it's just a matter of getting in there and doing it. I did a load the other day, it feels good to dispatch of stuff but some of it is our history so stop and read, it does take awhile.

I was given a teddy bear a a going away present from one of my jobs, it has moved with us several times and it is time it moves on, I dont keep in touch with anyone from that work and I did think at the time, a teddy bear? really? I got the feeling that even though I had worked with most of them for three or four years that a teddy bear wasn't the most suitable gift.

There is an empty box in the room so I will fill it with excess blankets and linen and with the teddy bear take it to the Salvo's.

Thursday 28 July 2016

An unexpected family reunion

Warren's brother lives sometimes about an hour north of here with his partner. They go between here, New Zealand and Sth Aussie. She has a motor home and they are sometimes travelling as well. They visited us about last November and now they have rented a unit for six months on the coast.

The guys arranged a visit about two weeks ago, it was our turn to visit them. Two nights ago his sister rang, she lives in Sth Australia and we dropped in to see her early February on our way west,.we dont see or hear from her very often so it was a surprise when she rang to say that she was coming to Queensland. They spoke for awhile and it was left that we would try to catch up when she was here. Her daughter and son live a further hour up the road so two hours from us.

We drove up and BIL and partner were waiting to meet us and then they walked to the car and I thought gee we must be going for a very early lunch until he drove into the airport. Sister was coming in at 11 am and apparently we were meeting here and her daughter who was coming to pick her up.

We had a coffee at the airport and went out to lunch. Not often the siblings get together so it was a nice catch up. We have also had an invite to nephew's surprise birthday party in about three weeks time. Warren and he are very close in age so that will be good. Hopefully their other sister will be able to make it as well.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

A Healthy Lunch

I like to have a different lunch most days and stay away from to much bread so sandwiches are a rare occurrence around here.

Yesterday, what to have for lunch that is quick, easy and tasty, I dont want to spend lots of time in the kitchen. Then I saw one lone large sweet potato and I had a flash back to living in China.

People would come to the school gate selling baked sweet potatoes and I would sometimes buy one for my dinner when Warren was going out with the boys to play snooker.

One sweet potato into the microwave for twelve minutes, meant that I could go and do other things. I halved it and topped each half with the ham that was left two and a half slices and a sprinkle of grated cheese on top, back in the MW for 30 seconds and lunch was ready.

Quick, easy and it tasted pretty good too. A bonus was only two plates and forks for the dishwasher.

Monday 25 July 2016

Farm Fantastic

This is held locally every year, it is similar to field days agricultural shows and the like. Its a three day event and gets very busy with lots of people are cars. Parking becomes a nightmare and even going past the place takes for ever because of the increased volume of vehicles.

We dont go every year but like to go every so often and this year we actually had something that we wanted to buy, a small water pump so that we can take the washing machine water and water the garden and lawns with it.

We went early on Friday to avoid the crowds, huh, like that was going to happen. We wandered around looking for the water pumps. Saw a tiny house and visited that after living in the caravan for six months, I dont think I could do that on a permanent basis. It did have everything but it was tiny, a person on their own it would be fine but a couple, no i don't think so, not for us anyway.

Coming past a solar display it looked intersting and after some discussions we bought a solar fountain. For Christmas last year we decided that we would get a water fountain for the garden in lieu of buying each other a gift and that we would look into in once we had done our trip.

Needed an electrician to put in a switch outside and then buy the fountain which we had costed at about $200 to $250. A solar fountain does not need electricity and plus it was much less than the water feature that we had been considering.

We ony need a base for the fountain to go in now. We ended up not finding our wter pump but Warren does know where he can get one so all is not lost and we saved ourselves some money in the meantime. Hummm, I wonder what I can spend those savings on, I will have to think.

Getting te fountain up and running is what we are labelling Project two.


The ute has been sold as well. We thought that the ute would have been easier  to sell but as it turned out the caravan went first and then the ute but both in the same week.

Te back yard now looks a little bare and some areas of the "lawn" is also very bare from where Maggie the caravan sat when not being used.

We have some work to do out there, (project three) and then we will re turf it and hopefully make it look pretty again with lawn all the way.

Project three involves fixing the gate, it had to be made wider to accommodate the van and now it can revert to just a six foot gate, moving some bricks and re-turfing. A load went to the tip today with some other rubbish and tree branches that Warren had trimmed.

The Bougainvillea is doing quite well although we did find pieces of it up a tree and over the back fence so some pruning required.

Friday 22 July 2016

A Disaster!

Last weekend before we went on the massive walk, I booked a motel room for me to wait. Did it over the internet like normal, with credit card no worries there.

As we met the others so early at 10am and they didnt need or couldnt register until 11.30 am, the thing to do was go and get a coffee. All five of us piled into my car and we headed off to find a place selling coffee that was not too crowded.

Maccas was the first place and we pulled in there. I went to pull my wallet out, damn, no wallet. Then it hit me, I had my wallet out at the computer when I booked the motel. Oh hell, cant buy coffee and even worse cant produce card when I book into the motel later that afternoon.

Mind goes into overdrive, home was two hours away so i could drive back and pick it up although it would be a long turn around. Warren comes to the rescue and gives me his card, after he paid for coffee. Then he kept testing me on what his pass code was for his card.

I didn't have a cent on me and didn't want to use it in a shop so I went to an ATN first and got money out. I explained at the motel that it wasn't the card that I booked with but it was the same account. They weren't fussed at all.

Luckily,  I had started to carry my drivers license tucked into my phone so I did have that, although it is many many years since I have been asked to show my license. Even when stopped for a random breathe test, they dont seem to ask for license. Anyway disaster averted.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Bye Bye Maggie

As we decided that our carvanning life is over, we will stay at cabins when we travel from now on, it was time to put Maggie caravan up for sale.

We had bought her for seven thousand two and a half years ago but soon realised that we probably paid too much. However we were able to do most of the work that was needed and it didnt cost that much in dollars to improve her to the level that we wanted.

Warren checked what other vans were for sale and priced Maggie to suit. On the walk at the weekend, the kids were amazed that Dad was doing business on the phone. He rang some-one back about a time for them to view the van.

Had three lots of people to look and the last ones (of course) offered just a little less that we had it listed and they didnt want us to get the road worthy done which saved us about five hundred dollars.

They had the cash with them, we had the transfer papers and we waved goodbye to Maggie and the memories that we had with her.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

What a "fun" weekend.

The family had decided to do the Kokoda challenge, all 48 kms of it. There is a longer one of 96 kms but hey, they didnt want to start big! By family, it was husband, son, daughter and grandson walking, with me as the support person.

Jordan had done it last year with his school, four students and an adult, a teacher and they had done it in just over fifteen hours. It is quite mountainous and some at night.

As we were travelling, training was done in many different places and it was often hot when they walked.
Warren bought walking poles (sticks I called them) in Townsville and they did a five peak walk there, being away for about five hours.

Jason went to the briefing and got the good oil on requirements, Sheridan organised the money side of it and as Warren said, he was just walking.

I booked into a motel so I had somewhere to be while I waited on them. There were several check points along the way and only at one of these was a meal break, that was where I was to meet them, feed them and offer support.

Sheridan arranged for T shirts, red CF shirts and it was surprising the number of people who commented, on them and CF.

The weather was not kind and it started to rain just before they left and kept raining. I drove down to the Gold Coast along wet windy roads and thanked my lucky stars that I was not out with them.

The 96er's started at seven in the morning and the 48er's had to hold up for a few minutes, they were to leave at 1 pm, as the first of the 96er's were coming in. OMG they had run 48 kms in six hours, these were the runners. The terrain was pretty crappy and they were running!!!.

Family team walked for twelve kms in the dark and wet before calling it quits,def not the weather to be out.

I dont know how many 96er's teams competed but there were one hundred and sixty eight school teams and around one hundred and twenty 48er's. Many retired in the first five kms.

Monday 18 July 2016

Is it a Scam?

Our phone rang yesterday afternoon and we dont pick it up unless we know the number and it was a Melbourne number with an 03 code. Only one person we know in Melbourne now and it wasnt him so we let the call go through to the answering machine. As expected no message left.

So many phone calls now with either people wanting money or to sell something, even though we are on the "Do not call " register, so we have a practice to leave it for the answering machine.

About five minutes later, Warren's mobile rang with the same number, again it was left. Another five minutes and his mobile went again and this time they left a message. It was Andrew from the NAB bank could we call. Hummm, this sounds a bit odd, a bank ringing on a Sunday afternoon. Is it a new scam?

Then Warren reminded me that I had just done some on-line banking with NAB. I rang the number thinking that no way am I giving bank details over the phone. It was answered as NAB bank, Andrew speaking. Made me feel a little easier and then he asked me if I had transferred an amount to such and such account, I said yes, I had. He had all the details and I didnt need to give him any just confirm that I had transferred the money.

I used to put in a code to finalize a transfer which I was given, same code. Now when transferring money, a code is sent to a mobile and that is the code to put in.

When I was doing it, Warren's mobile did ring and I was trying to enter my old code, I did it twice and on the third ring, I was annoyed with Warren's phone and took it to him outside. He looked at it and said that there was a message with a security code from NAB. I put that into my transfer and viola! the money went through. Because three security codes went to the number, it triggered the bank to contact us. I use Warren's number as he is more likely to have his phone with him. My old code had six digits and it only required five as it turned out, when I put my code in, it rejected.

I did see looking back into NAB's contacts than there had been a change back in May and this was it but I had forgotten it as I hadnt used the transfer funds thingy in that time. Relieved to know that it wasnt a scam.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Changing States

Oh wow, before we can sell the ute we need to change the registration from Northern Territory to Queensland. First thing it needs to have a road worthy certificate which an authorized person can carry out.

Warren booked it into the Jeep place, they also do Mazda, and it had to be there ar 10am as the guy would be there then, apparently he comes in special to do it but only does it there and through them.

No problems, I had some things to do at the shopping centre so I offered to pick him up after he had delivered it and we would go to the shopping centre, do my stuff, have a coffee and return giving us an hour to an hour and a half. Hah, great plans of men and mice, it was only going to take 20 minutes. At least it was ready to go when we came back.

The ute passed with flying colours and didnt need anything done to it, but $90 thank you. Warren then had to take or went to the motor registry. "Oh, things aren't as relaxed here as in NT, we need to know how much it weighs!" because it is a ute or "load carrying vehicle. Thankfully it could be done just around the corner, another $25 thank you.

Yay, now to just get the new QLD number plates. Offer up the receipt to prove that we paid for it and Bam! stamp duty! Stamp duty and six months rego wave good bye to $855.

We have now listed it on a couple of sales web sites and we hope it will sell quickly. Had interest in the first 24 hours but the next night the guy rang back to say that he really wanted it but couldn't raise the money to buy it. It was good of him to let us know and now we wait for another interested buyer.

Tuesday 12 July 2016


During the last couple of weeks of our holiday, we discussed things that we wanted to do around our house.

One thing mentioned was tiling our back patio but once we have been back and looked at it, it is a big area and as we would have tiled it ourselves, it has been put on the back burner. Warren says he can just feel his knees aching by thinking about it.

First project will be the kids bedroom. we bought a tri bed a couple of years ago but the room is really too small for it and it has only been used once for two people sleeping in it.

It has become a dumping ground for excess stuff as well so the first thing is to get rid of that.

This is the tri bed.
Bed is up for sale and there are a couple of trips to the op shop.

The idea is to turn it into a TV room for the grandkids so I am making floor cushions for the kids to sit on and could be used to sleep on too if needed.

I hope to have it finalised in a month, so will see how we go.

Monday 11 July 2016

Library visit

Ahhhhh, I went back to the library today. I do read a lot, probably three to four books a week depending on sixe and what it going on in my life. It is very rare that I dont read each night and I have been known to finish a book before I turn out the light to sleep.

I got used to reading e-books on my tablet and would buy two or three at a time but not sure if it was my choice or what the suggested topics were but many of them seemed to be much the same, just a different who dunnit but format very similar.

We had to go out this morning and so I grabbed my library card and looked at all the books on offer, it was great until my card wasn't recognized and i had to present myself at the counter. All good though, as it hadnt been used in so long, they just needed to check my details.

Looking forward to going to bed tonight with an actual book.

Sunday 10 July 2016

The cost break down of our trip.

Finally got the caravan emptied, trouble is finding places for the excess to go, still have a find a home for a few bits and pieces.

I worked out what we spent!!!

We were away for 175 days and I kept a tally of what we spent and it averaged out at $748.56 per week or $18714, not much if said quickly.

We stayed in caravan parks the whole trip except for a farm stay at Roma, cost was from $20 a night, not many of those and the dearest one was $58 a night at Warrnambowl Victoria.

We travelled 25,678 kms using the two cars, I guess we did about 400 kms as well in the hire car while we had it.

Average fuel costs per litre was approx $1.34, haven't worked that out exact but fuel prices were pretty good considering some of the places that we visited. Cheapest was in the Adelaide hills and was 97.9 per litre and the dearest was in country Victoria at $1.57. Fuel was around $1.22/25 and our milage average 12lts per 100ks. The jeep had a read out to say what the milage (or litreage)was but not so the ute, had to do old school.

Friday 8 July 2016


I have two in the family coming up and sometimes, I really do end up with a headache over what to buy. Still have a month to ponder before the firs one is due.

Siting over breakfast, Warren informs me that I had bought his birthday earlier this morning. That was news to me, I thought I had been sleeping. He is pretty much always up before me and uses the time to read the news, check his email and face book before having a shower and getting organized for the day.

I was intrigued as to the purchase that I had made. Apparently I have bought him a football jumper in his team's colour (Hawthorn) brown and gold or as some wag put it to the CEO of the club, the wees and poos colours. It was a throw away comment that has stuck to the Hawks club.

Warren tells me that it was under my budget for birthday gifts so a win win for both of us. The second one should be a bit easier and I have six weeks to prepare.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Its the little things.

Its amazing that after an absence, things pop out that need attention.

Warren has been up on the roof and fixed the skylight, after the heavy rains a couple of weeks, it did leak but thanks to our house sitters who put a plastic tub under it, no water got on the carpet or else where. This was the second one that warren had put into the house and it had leaked before after a heavy downfall, the first one is rock solid.

The light in the garage door lifter wasnt working, we hoped it was just a bulb and yes, that fixed that. As our car was in there, the house sitters would have rarely used the garage door but time will wear out a light.

I had washed the kitchen curtains in the last few days before leaving and they are/were lace and about ten years old. When putting them back up, I noticed that some of the material was going away so I replaced them. It was really hard to buy cafe curtains, had to go to a couple of places and even then, there was very little to choose from, not popular any more.

Removed a lot of little magnetic calendars, only need one of two.

Old fridge has been taken to the tip, fridge gave up the ghost within the first month that we were away, new one bought and the old one was put outside til we got back.

I had several boxes to go to the op shop that hadn't made it so they have now been delivered.

Warren re positioned a painting in the lounge that had been off centre since we changed the lounge room around about two years, it is now central

A couple of clocks needed new batteries to tell the correct time.

Also going through our clothes to see what we want to keep, there will be more stuff for the op shop. We have decided that we dont need all the books that we have collected over the years so either bin or op shop.

De cluttering, love it.

Wednesday 6 July 2016


What a bugbear these are. I went out Monday afternoon and as it was my first time back driving my car, I went to pick up my keys to go. Te house sitters had left both sets of sets on the side bench and as Warren had used his, his were gone but no keys for me.

I grabbed his car key off his set and drove out, he was on the roof at the time so I didnt want to disturb him.

When I got home I asked him where were my keys, he went to te side bench and found nothing like me. A puzzled search then took place, he asked if they were in my handbag, I told me that I hadnt needed to use them so no. Finally Warren got my handbag, and after asking permission (he will never look in my bag without asking first!)looked through all the compartments. Found! then he remembered slipping them in a side pocket of my bag when he took his.

It was only the car key that was missing, so put them altogether and they are a weighty bunch.

Yesterday I was collected to go out for coffee, Warren asked if I had my keys, yes I had them, although he then went on to say that he would be home when I got back. (Our coffee mornings often turn into lunch!) 

Arrived back home and I was surprised that Warren didnt greet me at te door so I got out my keys only to find out of all of these no front door key, because door keys had been left with the house sitters. The house was locked up like fort Knox. I went to the caravan and did some sorting, stayed there until Warren came home. he had rung for a hair appointment and was able to go that afternoon.

My keys are now all together but so heavy. This is what they are, car key and locking device, ute key, bike key, caravan key, screen door key daughter's house and garage key, Two keys that I dont know what they fit, a leather thing with my name on and my red hat.

Time to culling me thinks.

Tuesday 5 July 2016


Well it is certainly soup weather and I was wanting soup for the lat couple of weeks in the carvan but it was just too awkward to make it or heat some soup.One of the first meals that we had at home was soup. It was a sof pack that I had bought on the road but hadnt used. Not too bad it was chicken and capsicum, a little spicy but okay.

I bought two lots of mushrooms for soup as I wasnt sure how much I needed. The house sitters left some mushrooms and I used my recipe and the thermomix to make mushroom soup. It was the first thing that i made when I first had the thermo and Warren was impressed with the speed, lack of effort (no chopping) and taste. Well it was supposed to make enough for four, we had four meals and then there was still some left over so the rest went in the freezer.

After breaking down the lamb for the freezer, there were two shanks so they went in the slow cooker and with a few vege that became lamb and vegie soup. Soup and toast or crumpets make a hearty meal in my book.

In winter when I was a kid, mum always had a pot of soup on the stove, it was a good filler and dad would always have a second bowl and then his main meal. Mum's soup was always met and vege with pearl barley so a thick soup.

I like variety in soups so potato and leek with bacon will be the next one that I make. Soup weather doesnt stay around for long so I like to make the most of it while it is cold.  

Monday 4 July 2016


So we arrived home and the fridge, freezer and cupboards are bare. Luckily we did have enough from the caravan supplies for a meal but a trip to Costco was on the agenda to stock up.

I needed Warren to come with me to help with the load I knew I was going to get, luckily he quite likes going to Costco.

I didnt have a list or a budget but basically knew what would fill the empty spaces. I grabbed the trolley at one stage and boy, it was hard to push because of the weight in it.

We went to the canned aisles first and laundry products then did meat, not a lot of room for fresh vegetables  and fruit but they can be bought closer to home for same price.

I left Warren at the check out and went to get lunch for us, I mean really, not much beats their pizza and I was going to be very busy once home putting it away and breaking down the meat to freeze.

Warren brings the groceries in and I unpack, there is a box of cherries, I know I didnt buy cherries as I consider them an expensive fruit and as such a special treat. When Warren enters with another load, I say to him, "Cherries were not on the list!" he says "I didnt buy cherries!"

We assumed that the person behind either put them on our side of the board, possibly kids, they were on our docket so we did actually pay for them and they weren't too bad a price, same as the strawberries and we had a nice treat. $6 in the total of $653 was unnoticed. Yep, I/we spent 600 dollars on food!, everything is full though and hopefully I wont need to shop except for milk and fruit for several weeks.

Saturday 2 July 2016

I won, I won!

When we got home, our house sitter td me that I had received a parcel and they had put it in our bedroom. This was a surprise as I hadnt ordered anything to be delivered, so I went to see what it was.

It was quite a bit box and had Mt Romance on the side. I knew that I had seen that somewhere but coudnt place it.

A soon as I opened it I realized that it was the sandalwood factory that we visited in Esperance WA. I had bought some products and was then invited to fill in a questionnaire which if selected could win a prize, this was it.

It was called a honeymoon pack and has products for men and women, fourteen in all. Before we visited I had not used the products before but I liked it and went to another store of theirs in Broome to buy some more shampoo so it will be used for sure.

Friday 1 July 2016

Home Sweet Home

It was a welcome sight to drive into our own driveway yesterday afternoon. It was strange walking around the house but by this morning its almost as though we haven't been away.

Warren's cold has caught up to me and it was difficult to sleep last night with a blocked up nose, oh woe is me! I think I am having a pity party (probably because I know I have things to do like empty the caravan).

We did start on unpacking but it was only a small dent. Trying to unpack basket-full by basket-full and actually put away at the same time. Grr! we do have too much crap. Warren tossed out some old dvds about travelling around Australia, which we hadnt even looked at but we figured that if we missed something well too bad so in the bin they went.

A hot shower in our ensuite before bed was very enjoyable (and helped with the cold)