Tuesday 7 July 2015

Travel insurance, is it worth it?

We have always done travel insurance when travelling or working overseas, never had to use it thank goodness.

A few days ago we left on a weeks cruise (hence no blog posts as no internet). Our Daughter in laws parents were also booked on the same cruise. We saw them as we were boarding and said that we would catch up with them once on board. They and son's family had an earlier boarding time than us.

We got to our room, unpacked and read the notices then went to lunch. First person we saw was Barry, who said to join them for lunch even though they had almost finished. We got our lunch and sat down, they were talking about having a rest before muster (the safety talk with life jackets) when Barry felt faint. Nola asked me to take the boys away while they sorted Barry out.

Medics were called and it was decided that he should go to hospital and they were taken off the boat. From the time of having lunch and departing was one and a half hours.

Our son and daughter in law did stay on the cruise and they got the account for the medical treatment/assistance for her father, it was $800! He was stable the next day and had to have bed rest for a few days. They think it was the stress of getting ready to go etc.

On the cruise for less than an hour, I don't know how much they will receive back form their travel insurance but definitely worth having it in my opinion.

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