Sunday 26 July 2015

Two new recipes to add.

Sometimes I feel like I cook the same things over and over again. Not that warren ever complains, he eats more or less what ever is served to him, thank goodness.

While writing the post about our breakfast that we ordered on the cruise, I decided that I could possibly make that for an easy and quick lunch. Somehow I have lost the photos so I will just have to describe it.

Corn pancakes. Of course me being me I didn't use a recipe so I used half flour and half coconut flour added an egg and then enough milk to make it pancake consistency. Corn, parsley and red capsicum was added to the mixture, love the colours. I made one large pancake each which filled the bottom of the frypan, when it was cooked I added some avo and a slice of smoked salmon. It looked pretty fancy and colourful. It was pretty yum too.
(Found the photo)

I did buy the avo, smoked salmon and red capsicum especially for the pancakes even so it wasnt terribly expensive to make. When we went to buy the things I sent Warren to te produce section to pick up red caps, I only wanted one. He said there was none but there was a stoplight selection. Which consists of a red, yellow and green caps in a bag and of course looks like traffic lights. A bag was $7.89, I retorted that I was going to spend that and looked for an alternative. We looked around and saw a bag for 6 small red caps for $3.89 and bought that instead. I only used one for the pancakes, what to do with the rest?

Yesterday we had lunch out so dinner only needed to be light. I baked two of the red caps, cut in half and placed cut side down in water. Then I made up some couscous (don't particularly like it so it was a way to use it) added a couple of spoonfuls of korma sauce from the fridge, corn, cut tomatoes and parsley (have heaps growing in the garden) and when the caps were soft, filled the middle with the couscous mixture and added some feta on top. Another cheap, tasty meal and no gluten, no meat which looked good on the plate.

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