Tuesday 21 July 2015

Kokoda Challenge

No, I am not going to take this challenge on although I do like a good challenge, this is one that I would not even have considered.

It is connected to me in a way and I have deliberated about posting about it on my blog.

Our oldest grandson who is fifteen and in year ten at high school accepted this challenge, actually he grasped it in two hands and run with it (not literally!)

So proud of him.

The challenge was over 48 kms in the Hinterlands of the Gold Coast and there were several massive hills/mountains involved.

He and his team mates, three other boys and a teacher left at 11 am on Saturday (with lots of other teams) they finished at 2.12 am on Sunday morning, fifteen hours later. A massive achievement!

Jordan has CF and has only 60% lung capacity. One determined and gritty kid!

Big week for him as he is having a nose operation later this week and then he will be addressing a 700+ audience regarding Cystic Fibrous.

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