Thursday 9 July 2015

On the way West

Soon after leaving Dalby, we see cotton tuffs along the roadside. easy to see that we are in cotton country.

Warren is always conscious on holding people up, trucks and other cars, on the road and where and when possible he pulls off to the side to let them go past.

He did this right next to a small township and I suggested we spend some money in the town by buying an ice cream for mornos. Of course I didn't have to twist his arm much. I got the ice creams and we sat on a bench seat in the sun to eat them. It was a beautiful sunny winter's day, nice and warm in the sun and perfect blue skies.
The township was called Brigalow and the seat was to the left. Before leaving we decided to check out the toilets as well. These were at the back of the town hall. Great toilets, nice and clean, no graffiti but there was a drawback to the loos. Stainless steel on a winter's morning (no sun shining inside the toilet block) certainly reminded me that it was winter!
There was a massive wheat silo opposite the store, again a reminder that we are in farming areas.

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