Sunday 26 July 2015

Port Vila

Our last port of call on the cruise ship was Port Vila. We had booked a tour to do a glass bottom boat viewing and snorkeling. We have done this tour on each of the previous cruises we had done so this would be the third time. we are pretty sure it was the same guys who took us out.

There were about ten or twelve of us on the boat and there were two large panels in the bottom of the boat so quite easy to see. We had a safety chat first and the guys told us that sharks etc liked white meat so they were perfectly safe having dark skin. I dare say that they have to choose their clientele to say that. It was all in good fun.

After about half an hour of trolling around and looking through the panels we went a bit further out where we could snorkel and feed the fish. About half the people stayed on the boat which surprised me, I love getting into the water even though I am not a confident swimmer by any means. On board they had noddles and I like to use one of those, just gives me a sense of security.

They had bread to feed the fish and the idea was to keep a little balled up in our fists so the fish had to come up and get it. While I was feeding some, I even had a couple nibble my feet. I guess we had 40 minutes or so in the water and then it was time to head back to shore, the whole tour was approx two hours.

As most were in swimmers and a cover up because there was no change facilities on board, I noticed the woman next to me had a tattoo which was very similar to mine and in the same place. We traded stories, she did have another three smaller ones as well but the rose was the first one she had done and it was the same as mine, except she was in Melbourne and mine was in Canberra.

It was her and her daughter on the boat and they were heading to the zip line later that day. I saw Warren's eyes light up as he asked if there was enough time to do it. She gave him the details and he booked a tour when we got back. After an early lunch he headed out to the pick up point.

I had a nice afternoon relaxing and watching Wimbledon tennis while Warren was climbing and zipping down mountains. He told me that it was not anything that I would have done but he loved it and bought the T-shirt to show that he did it.

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