Saturday 18 July 2015

Stones Green Ginger Wine

I'm not much of a drinker but I have been hitting the bottle this week.
Having been sick with the head cold and feeling like Cr*p, Warren asked if I wanted some green ginger wine. First I thought No, then Why not so he went and bought some. This was Tuesday evening and I was due back to work on Wednesday and had been thinking that I would not be going. 

Warren went to the local bottle-o which is just down the end of the street and bought some and we each had a glass. The size of the glass is in the photo too so not a huge glass.

There is some history with this wine, many years ago, I was at work and had a cold and it got worse during the day, it was a really cold day and I had to catch a tram and then a train to go home a journey that would take about seventy minutes. I felt like death warmed up when I got home and I wanted a warm drink, all we had was a bottle of this green ginger wine so I poured myself a glass, phew, I could feel it all the way to my toes, it certainly cleared the sinuses. That night I had a really good sleep and woke up with no cold. My boss at work when I walked in the next morning was amazed as he told me that he didn't expect to see me for the rest of the week.

For the rest of the time we lived in Melbourne there was always a bottle of this Green ginger wine in the house but we haven't had a bottle in years, didn't even know if it was still available.

Again I did wake the next morning with a clear head and got to work. It is definitely a sippy sippy drink as it is quite strong. Just checked the label and it is 18.5% alcohol and made in Renmark South Australia.

Well over half a bottle left for the next time I feel under the weather.

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