Tuesday 21 July 2015


I hate doing the dishes!

It has always been one of the worst jobs around the house I think. When three kids were home, it caused the most arguments. as soon as we could afford a dishwasher we bought one and then of course the arguments were about hows turn was it to unpack it.

The first dishwasher we bought had to be a mobile one as we were living in rented houses and likely to move with only a few weeks notice. That dishwasher served us well and moved many times with us. After several year and moves it finally turned up its toes. Next dishwasher was a bench top as there wasn't enough room for a mobile one. This was okay but not as good.

We built our home and as we were on rain water decided to go without a dishwasher BUT we would have a spot for one thinking of resale in a few years. Ah! we had underestimated how much our white goods  would cost, by buying them all at the one time and place, we had enough from that budget for a dishwasher!

Moved again and into this house with an uncertain income at the time so no frills or extras (and no dishwasher but only two of us so didn't need one,right!). We survived for about five years but most of the time we were working overseas then we bought  dishwasher and no dishwasher hands or dirty dishes in the sink and on the bench.

Dishes go into dishwasher after meals and then turned on at night. Warren is always up earlier than me and most times he has it emptied before I get out of bed. A draw back to that is that often dishes, bowls etc are not where I expect them to be but that is a small price to pay.

Our current dishwasher has a seal come drift and as a result was leaking water! So it is a no go zone at the moment. My first thought was to buy a new DW but then my frugal self took over and we are waiting on the service people to locate the spares so it can be fixed. Until then I will have to grit my teeth and wash dishes by hand. Luckily there is only two of us at home so shouldn't use too many dishes.

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