Friday 17 July 2015

Davis Cup (tennis)

My cold returned last night, lucky me and as I was stuffed up and it was going to be very cold, I decided to take the day off and hopefully get rid of the dratted cold altogether. I have rugged up well and stayed inside and done very little except keep hydrated. Coffee, hot chocolate, hot fresh orange juice with honey and ginger plus soup for lunch.

I am not a fan of daytime TV but not having much energy to do anything else I was flicked through the channels to pick the best thing to watch when I noticed Davis Cup Tennis live from Darwin. Thats it, that's where I am, in front of the TV with my many drinks, rug over the knees and wearing Warren's ugg boots. I don't possess any as I don't need any (today is an exception and he is wearing his $35 pair of NZ socks anyway).

First game is over and unfortunately our young guy got beaten, he is only nineteen but I think he will end up being better than the our other two young guys. They are 22, 20 and 19 years of age and ranking is 26, 38 and 69 at the moment.

While there is a break, I am catching up here and clearing up some cups. I have almost finished a kids beanie while the first game was on so should finish it in the second game.

Australia is playing Kazatan (my apologies for spelling)

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