Wednesday 8 July 2015


We stayed there for two nights. Excellent caravan park, best showers and toilets that I have experienced, $27 a night and no extra because of school holidays. Check out the size of the showers!

There was a Pioneer park opposite the caravan park and after we had finished our shopping town we wandered over to have a look. It was a self discovery park with a donation box, $5 for adults so put in our $10 and wandered around.

There were several small cottages and they all had a theme. the first one had various sewing machines and knitting machines. Outside there were several out buildings with tractors and farm equipment.
I remember a tractor like this on our farm block, it was parked under a tree and as a kid I spent many hours climbing over it and pretending to drive it. I was three when we moved there and I don't know if it was ours or it had come with the property. It has steel rims for tyres. Years after I left home two young guys called on Mum and Dad and asked if they could buy it, they wanted to restore it. I think Dad told them they could have it for nothing if they wanted to move it. Many of the exhibits didn't have dates on it so I have no ideas when this tractor was first made. I dare say that the museum is run by volunteers and they can only do so much.
This was another one that interested me as dad had bought something similar but a car and he cut it down to use as a run about for years. Definitely not a second car but Dads work truck. Note the crank handle at the front, ours did have that but Dad soon changed it to a key start, he was a mechanic. 

With Warren and I both growing up on farms there were many things that we knew and had used from our childhood.


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