Saturday 27 June 2015


School's  over for two weeks, (two and a half for me as I only work part time) and today was spent getting ready to go away. Which meant cleaning the house doing all the washing clearing out the fridge and all those other little things that get left by the way side.

Just finished the vacuuming, (don't usually do it at night but I didn't want to do the whole house at one go).

Now I just need to pack! Always a problem, what to take, what to leave behind. I have to keep reminding myself that it is only for a week. I have one small bag that is all I take these days, for ease of travel and also to keep to a limit, size wise as well as weight. After all, no matter where or how you travel, there does become some point when that bag has to be picked up, could be up or down stairs (my absolute favourite, NOT) into a rack above one's head or just onto a travelator. Very good to remember then to KISS (keep it simple, stupid)

When we travel at home, we usually say "Well, if we really need it, we can buy it." My issue today/tonight is what is the weather going to be like, hot warm or do i need warmer clothes. I have never yet, came home and worn every thing that I have packed.

I know that I am procrastinating so I need to go and make a start. No internet for a week, so no emails, no blogging, no games, how will we cope? Have to catch up on the blogging when we return hopefully I will have lots to write about.

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