Saturday 11 July 2015

Advertising Road signs

As one travels out of the normal routes these signs seem to be different. One that made me laugh out loud the other day was as follows.

In quite large lettering, it said "Scream at your husband!", and there there was the word STOP in a stop sign shape.

Well, it made me want to read more, luckily the sign was large and so I was able to read it all a couple of times before we passed it.

Underneath the first line, it stated that there was a patchwork shop in Chinchilla, indicating that wives would want to stop and shop there.

Chinchilla was the next major town, we did stop to get fuel and I didn't see the patchwork shop but I wasn't really looking for it as I am not a patchwork person, need to be very precise to patchwork and that it not me.

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