Saturday 18 July 2015


This is an Island that we visited from the cruise. I didn't know how to say the name, what it mare like the horse or what it ma re like the girls name? As it is part of New Caledonia and therefore has French connections, they say it with in the French way so Ma're.

This is a tiny island and our cruise ship couldn't get close enough so we were taken of the cruise boat by tenders (these are in actual fact the lifeboats!) They used three and each one could hod up to 141 people. It was a pleasant ride of about ten minutes across to the island.

 Could either stay there or buy a bus ride to the other side of the island. $18 for a twenty minute ride there and back. Bus went and came back when the bus was full.

It was interesting travelling through tropical paradise and seeing the local houses, few houses in town but they were dotted around with garden plots, seemed to have a fairly simple life.
The water was a beautiful colour.
These are passengers of the boat frolicking in the water. The name of the bay where we swam was called Turquoise Bay, and can see why.

It was a bit cold for swimming but we stayed for awhile and did a bit of snorkeling and then went back on the bus to the tenders ready for a late lunch.
This is the lady collecting our tickets to return on the bus. Our tickets were a bit wet as Warren had them in his pocket of his swimmers and hadn't thought to take them out. Luckily he had rescued them before they got too wet and soggy.

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