Tuesday 7 July 2015

Parking Meters

Oh My Goodness, we pulled into a park in the centre of Dalby and there were parking meters lining the main street. Maybe I shop in strange places but I think it must be about five years since I have used a parking meter and then it was one where one had to go to a central place and enter in either money or a card and then take the ticket back to display on the dash board. That was at the old Royal Children's Hospital.
Luckily today we did have some change in the console of the jeep. There were no instructions on the meter so we started by putting a 20 cent coin and the meter immediately went to an hour. Then I saw a sign that said one hour parking, not bad 20 cents for an hour.

We went shopping, Warren to the chemist as he needed a script done and I "needed" some pants, my packing for the caravan trip wasn't as good as for the cruise, as I found that I had packed plenty of tops, jumpers and knickers but only two pairs of leggings. I don't usually wear those unless I have long tops, hence I "had" to shopping.

There was a Target country next to the pharmacy so I spent some time looking through there, sales were on, a bonus. Met up with Warren again and he decided that we should suss out the coffee shop. oops, got back to the car ten minutes after our allotted time, didn't see any traffic officers but put in another 20 cent piece before going to the newsagents and Warren to Mitre ten. TV cable in the van doesn't work so he and his screw driver plus other bits and pieces will fix it. Meanwhile we had the antenna in the van getting a good signal so we are by no means deprived of TV.

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