Tuesday 28 July 2015

The "new" bike

A week ago, we travelled over six hours to check out a bike. We expected to buy it and bring it home if everything checked out. Bike was good, price was right but there was no road worthy cert with it so paid a deposit and went home again.

Owner said they would deliver it when everything was right. As we had to go to Brisbane on Saturday, the bike was delivered to our son;s house. Warren then had to ride it home, although he was offered the use of a bike carrier. I knew that he would want to ride it home up the freeway and over the Gateway Bridge. Glad it wasn't me riding it. 

Today was my first ride on it (ha, as a passenger!) We took the back road to Warmuran for coffee.
We did make a bit of a spectacle in the neighbourhood as we both got on the bike! Most sixty pluses around don't ride bikes and especially with a pillion passenger.

It seems to go well, bit scary on the back with no back rest and for the first ten k, I guess I was thinking about falling off and how older bones and skin don't mend as well as when we were younger. Then I forgot about how scary it was and just enjoyed the ride.

Bike will experience its first trail bike in a few days and will have to be stripped of it number plate and lights. One thing that wont be coming off it the electric start. Besides everything else Warren just loves the fact it starts with a button, means he doesnt have to kick his leg off to start it.

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