Wednesday 15 July 2015

Black Vs White

 A couple of years ago I cut out milk and sugar in my coffee therefore saving a few calories.  This worked well and over time my coffee beans had reduced as well so much so that I have about a quarter of a teaspoon in one cup. Every now and then I feel the need to have a full teaspoon of of coffee, a teaspoon of sugar and some milk but I figure that's okay as I don't have much calcium so it could be the body crying out for more.

Since I have been sick with this head cold I have been having white coffees with sugar. Today was my first day back at work and although I felt okay, I knew I wasn't 100%, I drank four small bottles of water and didn't have a coffee all day. Warren made me a coffee when I got home from work and I have just had a second one after dinner and I didnt really enjoy either of them.

Four cups of coffee with milk and sugar does add up to a lot of calories so I don't want to go back down that track, hopefully my taste for weak black coffee returns.

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