Thursday 9 July 2015

Fruit Tingles

Our son swears by these things to cure a cold. I know that I have tried them and they do seem to help. Not sure if its anything in them or the fact that when chewing on them, it is keeping throat moistened and therefore don't cough as much. Could also be mind over matter, anyway Warren came off the cruise and later that night he started coughing, he felt like he had something caught in his throat. Twenty fours after and yep, he has picked up a cold so at the first opportunity he bought five packets of fruit tingles.

Two nights ago he got up about four am and it was still dark, he didn't put any lights on and saw the small torch that we use, it was on top of the fridge. Should be hanging by the door but he thought that one of us had not hung it back up on the hook. He grabbed and put it in his pocket as the outside light was on but thought he would need it as he got closer to the toilet block. Half way there and he took the torch out and went to switch it on, nothing happened.
He had picked up a roll of fruit tingles instead! Luckily he didn't need the light.
Cough is getting better but he did pay a visit to the chemist today to help clear it quicker.

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