Saturday 26 December 2015

Revamping a favourite shirt

While de cluttering our wardrobes a couple of weeks ago, I didn't really want to throw out one of my favourite shirts. I have had it a few years and the pink was quite faded.
The pink was a linen and needed to be ironed but the black was T shirt material.

First I cut away all the pink and used it as a pattern. The collar and front was going to be a challenge and I thought I dont need that bit as it is really too hot here to wear button up and collar that so I left it out. 

I sorted through my fabric and came up with a flowery piece that I have had for years.
This was the result. 

I made the sleeves a little longer than the original and as there were heaps of material, I also made a skirt.

I decided that I would have a new outfit for Christmas day but it meant that I had to do a bit of sewing yesterday morning before we left for our lunch.

As I had received a Secret Santa parcel from a forum that I belong to, it had arrived earlier in the week but I waited and put it under the tree. In the parcel was a Christmas stocking with nail products and I did my nails, toe nails as well before going out. I felt a new person.

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