Sunday 6 December 2015

Pumpkin pies

I made these for lunch today with some salad. I am looking for ideas to make and take to the beach for Christmas lunch so I am trailing some new things.
I made twelve and after lunch only six are left.

Roasted some pumpkin while that was cooking, I sliced a piece of red caps, a spring onion and three mushrooms.
Added a handful of grated cheese, couple of spoonfuls of ricotta and a glug of sweet chilli sauce.

One and a half sheets of puff pastry filled the bottom of a muffin tray .

Ten minutes in the oven. A nice light lunch which should transport well. I know I will eat them even if no-one else does.

Now to find some other things to make for the Christmas menu.

Jamie Oliver did a great looking salad with whole prawns the other night, think i will have to give that a go.

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