Monday, 21 December 2015

First aid kit

We have a very small first aid kit for the caravan and I think we have only used it a couple of times. I cut myself on a knife while washing up and needed a band aid for a couple of days.

But embarking on a trip like we are going to do, we thought we may need some more things namely bandages and a bigger bag/kit whatever to put them in.

This is where re purposing comes in. When I tided/cleaned out the pantry, way in the back was a wooden box with two empty bottles in it, they held port but of course that was long gone. The box was a com memorable box from when the pay corp (Warren's Army crop was founded/formed) and we didn't feel ready to just throw it out. The bottles went out though!

Nice sturdy wooden box with a sliding lid.

First I painted it red. I had a tube of red paint that was in my sewing room, why? who knows but at least there was a use for it.

Then I covered some packing foam that we had keep "just in case." and put it in the sides and bottom, like the packing boxes in China, except I am not as good at doing that as they are and I didn't leave it in but I did leave the bottom one in to absorb any bumps along the way.

I have included a few more things that we might need and Warren wants me to buy some strapping bandages again just in case.

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