Wednesday, 23 December 2015

E books and Technology!!

Last week I was all set to do a course at the library about E-books online, borrowing from the library.Three years ago that was the main reason that I bought a tablet but found that any books I could assess were very old and nothing that I wanted to read so didnt go on with it. Surely there must be a better/different way to do it. I had booked into the course about a month ago, they hold them every Wednesday but of course that had been a work day for me. I got a phone on the Tuesday, reminding/checking that I would be attending. Yes, yes, i would be there.

Famous last words as on Wednesday, I got out of bed and something was not right with me. I waited a couple of hours and then rang the library to tell them I would not be there as I did not want to be away from my own toilet! I felt fine but not able to go out. Bummer!

Back to the drawing board as I read a lot and I know that I will miss going to the library and picking out my usual six or eight books that I read every two to three weeks.

I can and have down loaded books on to my tablet before but the app had seemed to have disappeared. Apparently it was due to having a couple of big things on there like Face book. Warren took that off so I could load reading books. Great, I trolled through and selected some books, I start with the interesting looking free ones.

Then it asked me for the secret number on the back of my credit card, no problem. Except that earlier in the year we had had to get new ones and my old credit card details were locked in the tablet.

I went through all the settings looking to change it, I asked Warren (def my go to person on tech stuff) he didn't know and said to just keep looking. After an hour of going back and forth, I thought i found it once, it said new cards and I clicked on that to delete it, went back and found the books that I has selected, not an easy task, put in secret number, Barp, Barp, not the correct number, so that didn't work.

It had my credit card number which was xxxed out except the last four digits which of course isn't the ones on the new card. In frustration, I clicked on the number and it took me off to a new screen where I could delete and put in new details. Taddaah, finally. I spent an enjoyable couple of hours then selecting and down loading my reading material for the first few weeks at least and now i know how to do it, i will probably never have to do that again.

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