Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Feeling flat

Sunday the power went out and stayed out for some time. Its amazing what you think you will do only to discover it cant be done because there is no power.

Someone came and looked at my car and bought it, yay! but sad to see it go.

No power, feeling sad so I told Warren we were going out to one of our favorite places for lunch.

Favourite but we havent been in about four months. We seem to have a few of these all approx thirty minutes drive away. Thank goodness we know the "back" way and didnt need to go on the highway as that was bumper to bumper, We went over the highway and could see cars banked up for as far as the eye could see.

We always park at one particular park and then walk, getting our exercise at the same time, the cafe is about a ten minute walk. It seemed that many people had the same idea as the footpaths were crowded with people walking and stopping to chat or to check out the menus. Note to self, we don't need to go on a Sunday or a holiday day any more.

Darn it our cafe was closed thankfully though only until new year. We wandered back down and found a pizza place that was not crowded and ordered two small pizzas, not cheap but def up market pizzas.

We sat watching the cars go by and a little farther away was the beach and the sea. A very restful lunch with excellent food, think we have just added a new fav eating place. Pizzas were so filling that we had enough to take home for dinner. Who would have though, bacon mushroom and avocardo would taste so good, the second one was pepperoni and prawns, the prawns were massive. Yum.

Batteries restored, we wandered back along the beach front and home.

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