Monday 17 August 2015

The Dreaded Blue Light.

Funny thing happened last night on the way home. Sheridan and I had been to Sydney and driving home to her place, she was driving my car. Damned if I could find my way from the airport to her house.

Chatting away she was in the left lane and there was car in front but in the right lane. Another car pulls alongside and goes ahead and suddenly blue lights are flashing in the back window. It was an unmarked Police car. The car in front and the Police car then then move over in front of us and made their way to the kerb. Sheridan says to me, "Is it me?" "I don't know" I replied, not ever been pulled out and never seen a car suddenly put on their blue lights, we didn't know the protocol. She decided to pull behind them just to be on the safe side.Three car doors open at the same time and coppers get out, Sheri rolls down the window and asks "Do you want me?" The back door copper looks over, shakes his head and says "No, not you." Sheridan pulls out and around, both of us feeling very relieved. Not something that you want on a late Sunday evening.

The other car didn't seem to be driving fast or unsafe so wonder why they had pulled them over, guess we will never know.

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