Sunday 2 August 2015

Home Alone

Not the movie but this weekend it is a fact for me. Wow, how can I just do things for me? Yesterday I went to the library as I had nothing to read, despite having three full bookcases, I still had nothing to read.  I went shopping for a few odds and ends that I wanted ( I was going to write needed but it was more a want than a need). Attacked the drawers in my bedroom, this has been on my list to do for quite awhile. Interesting what I found, a couple of things that I thought, why is this here and why did I buy that? Could be a bit of out of sight out of mind.

The bedroom is getting crowded and I prefer space so something has to go and that something is the set of drawers.

Meals just for me meant a sandwich for dinner Friday night, last night I made an omelette. A curry is cooking for tonight's meal, back to usual.

The house was so quiet on Friday night that I didn't sleep that well, rather annoying as I had great plans to get so much done. Last night I was used to being on my own and slept well even waking and ready to get out of bed at 6.30am, very unusual for me.

My plan for today is to finish all the things that I started yesterday (I am not that good at finishing things) so complete the bedroom make over, finally unpack everything from the caravan, and I have a couple of sewing projects to complete before my mind goes off on another tangent for another idea.

First though I will make a cup of coffee to take outside and sit and ponder, I do have a new bag of books to read.

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