Sunday 23 August 2015

A very expensive bowl of soup

After Annie (my new thermomix) arrived at home I didn't know what I wanted to make first. First things first I went through the recipe book that came with her.

Warren came home and told me that he had sort of had lunch. Did that mean he wanted lunch or not? It seemed that he had had a big morning tea rather late so no, he didn't need anything. Damn, there went my plan of making him a great lunch with Annie.

I hadn't bought any special foods to use her so it had to be something that I had in the cupboards and fridge, I also wanted to cook only using Annie so no cakes or slices that needed to go in the oven.

Soup, I could make a soup. Warren was instructed to watch while I made it, he choose mushroom soup, thank fully I had everything needed.
This is the left over soup, we had a small bowl served with some parsley spread over the top. It was good. We will be having soup for lunch today as well with the small bowl going in the freezer for one of my work lunches next week.

As it was my first thing to make, that made it very expensive but as I make more meals, the cost will come down. 

For dinner, I took a recipe from the book and changed it to suit and use what I had, it was a sauce to go with spaghetti. Looked a bit bland but the taste was good. Had to use the reverse on Annie so as not to cut the spaghetti to bits, worked fine. So so easy to clean after use!

Later today I am going to make some rice into rice flour and then attempt to make pizzas bases from it.

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