Monday 24 August 2015

Reading Materials

I like to read a LOT! The library is my go to place for books and I frequent the big print books. I can and do read the regular font sized books but most of my reading is done at night and with the big print books are easier to read in bed.

Last weekend when we went to Sydney, I didn't take any books, not even one (I went to the library last Monday and I am already on my fourth novel that I checked out, that's pretty standard for me, one novel in two to three days). As we were only taking carry on and I knew that we would be walking a bit, I didn't want the extra weight or a book taking up space.

I bought a magazine at the airport and as there was no on board entertainment I had read that and done the puzzles by the time we landed. In bed that night I remembered that I had downloaded some books onto my tablet awhile ago. I don't particularly like reading off the tablet but any port in a storm....

Settled down to read and getting into the book and it ended, what the......? Damn, I had downloaded a "free" book but it apparently was only a sample.

Last night I tried to find the book online to buy the rest, I am not very good at finding my way around the Play store probably because I don't do it often. Anyway when I went to the adult books and tapped in fiction, there on the screen was an author that I wasn't familiar with but the front cover which was shown was a picture of Miss Fisher from Miss Fisher Mysteries. I know that series from TV, didn't think that there was novels.

I made sure that it was the whole book and tapped yes, I wanted to buy it for $5. What an interesting read, I am up to chapter ten and have changed my mind about reading from the tablet. This is the first of the books and explains how and why she is in Australia and how she has become an investigator.

Now I know that I don't need to take actual books with me on our big trip as long as I have the tablet and a little bit of power sometimes. Yippee! I had been thinking that I would need to locate second hand book stores.

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