Friday 28 August 2015


I hate being sick and I have had the last two days at home in bed sick. It started with a bit of a cough on Tuesday and I went to the chemist in the afternoon and bought some cough mixture to knock it on the head. It didn't! All day Wednesday all I did was cough and I was feeling like crap too.

Thursday was much the same and during the evening I was thinking that I would have to go back to the doctors to get a medical certificate if I needed another day off. I woke up after a nap at about 8pm and felt at least half human again.

I did go to work today taking cough drops and lollies with me so that if I started coughing, something might soothe my throat. No way did I want to start coughing again as my stomach aches from previous coughing.

After spending almost two full days in bed and eating very little it was an effort to go to work but I felt better as the day went on.

I rarely get sick but twice in two months is annoying. Thank goodness I did have a flu jab earlier in the year and now "they" are saying that having the flu injection can help with heart health, bonus!

Oh and to top off being sick, my ears have become blocked again and its still like hearing in a fog.

Tomorrow is another day and hopefully I will feel even better then and hopefully the fog will clear so that I can hear! I have a dread of speaking too loudly when I cant hear but I think (hope) that I am the other way as I have had to repeat a few things.

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