Wednesday 5 August 2015

Manners and kids

So many people complain about "Young children today" have little or no manners. I do find that some kids are not taught manners or respect for others and other people property.

Saturday morning I went to the library and its a little weird as I drive and park and then walk in and take the lift to Ground. I have just walked on the same level but no, apparently I was at Lower Ground and need to go up to Ground, see weird!

Anyway I got my bag of books and went back to the lift, pressed to go down, when I saw the lift go past on its way up with two young girls in it. They looked to be about nine and eleven, both holding books so I assumed that they wanted the library.

A few seconds later the lift came down again, there is only lower ground, ground and first floor, three levels so it doesn't take long to get back. The lift doors opened and the older girl smiled and said to me very politely, "Sorry we missed you, we hit the wrong button". I didn't expect an apology, didn't even think one was necessary but thought it was so nice of her to say so. I thanked her and wished them a good day. The younger said they were off to get new books to read and off they skipped into the library.

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