Monday 3 August 2015

Demo party

I was invited to a demo party on Saturday. A girl friend wanted a demo of this thermomix with a view to buy one. As it was a look see and taste, she had invited three others.

I had heard about these machines but never seen one. The demonstrator came and talked a little about it and then started cooking. In the space of a few minutes she had turned frozen mango pieces into smoothies, it was like eating ice cream. Then she made a dip which we ate with rice crackers while she made a pizza base in the machine. It made two bases but we only used one, 30 minutes to prove in a wrap that comes with the machine. While the pizza proved she made a salad from raw beetroot a carrot and an apple, coriander was in it as well and it wasn't my favourite thing but I think it was the coriander that I didnt like.

Then she prepared the pizza and cooked in the oven, while that was cooking she made a risotto in thirteen minutes!!!! I have only made a couple of those things and they take forever and have to stir it all the time. This risotto was great, A slice of pizza with cheese tomato and basil, as her husband  needs gluten and lactose free, she made it all like that as she had brought all the ingredients.

Finally she made a chocolate custard, I don't like custard buy decided to have a taste anyway, oh my goodness, it was great even though it was warm, would have preferred it cold. It tasted between yoghurt and mousse.

In two hours she made fruit smoohies, dip, pizza, salad, risotto and custard.Needless to say I didnt eat dinner that night, I did make a sandwich about 8pm. My friend ordered one and as we do get invited for dinner every so often, I am sure that I will get to eat more mel from it.

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