Saturday 1 August 2015

20% off

That is a good marketing ploy/trick call it what you want. I am a member of Spotlight, it was free to join so I did a few years ago. Spotlight sells homewares and all things to do with fabric/materials. Membership gives me a small percentage off what I buy in store when I produce my card and I am sent their brochure every couple of months.

The last one I received had a scratch card on the front, probably about nine panels to scratch and reveal a number underneath, get three the same and that was how much would be given off the next purchase provided it was in the next two weeks.

My first three I scratched showed up 20% on each one, yippee! think of all the things I could buy and get 20% off. What a bargain! Hang on a minute, I did not need or want anything, I am trying to reduce the things in the house and the stash of fabric in my sewing so why on earth would I go and buy more? Yep, that's right so I can get that discount!

Good sense prevailed and I didn't go shopping and card now has expired but I'm sure that others would be drawn in.

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