Tuesday 11 August 2015

Visitors for Lunch

Warren's brother Barry and his partner Maureen came for lunch today. We last saw them two years ago, since then they have been backwards and forwards to NZ and have both had heart attacks and recovered.

Because of their health issues, I was concerned about what to serve for lunch. I figured the best and easiest thing to do was to make a platter of food and let them choose themselves.

I got the lettuce with the small cups and filled them with coleslaw, these are so easy to make and look good on a platter. There was roast pork, silver side and ham, fresh bread and chutneys. I made curried eggs and egg and lettuce sandwiches with steamed potatoes. Dessert was watermelon. I love serving the watermelon, this is from China, meals would end with watermelon slices or sugar cane.

As usual I over catered so dinner was left overs.

Barry and Maureen are living in a motorhome up on the Sunshine Coast for the next few weeks before they take off again to the wild blue yonder.

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