Saturday 29 August 2015

Just Clowning.

Our oldest grandson does drama at school and each term they put on a performance at school. A few weeks ago we arranged to attend.

Its after school but on school premises and starting at 6.30 pm. There are four classes and all I knew was that his class was not the first one.

The school took the opportunity to put on a sausage sizzler as a fund raiser. I don't like sausages that much but do like the sausage sizzle so that was dinner.

Had to sit through two performances before Jordan's but they were entertaining. All members of the class were involved and they were all different. The costuming was good and quite funny.

Finally Jordan's group was on and it was bizarre to see our grandson burst out of a box in a purple curly wig and purple tight.

In all groups there were some acrobatics, juggling, plate twirling and magic. For kids to get up and preform a piece that they had only worked on for a maximum of a term was really good to see. All were in year ten so fifteen to sixteen years of age with quite a difference in size as well.

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