Saturday 8 August 2015

Blocked ears or am i going Deaf?

All this week I have woken up not being able to hear properly from one ear. Telling Warren off breakfast on the second morning and he was very sympathetic and then proceeded to tell me something only mouthing the words. Annoying fellow, of course he got a thump on the arm for his troubles. he did go and buy me some ear drops later though so he's not that bad.

I think or hoping tat my ear is blocked after the cold I had a couple of weeks ago and this is just the aftermath. Years ago when we lived in Canberra I had trouble hearing and really did think that deafness had set in. The doctor laughed and ended up flushing them and it was great suddenly I could hear birds singing in the trees!

When this ear is blocked, its a real muffled sound which is annoying, eventually it has cleared after time and it is getting less blocked each day but just wish it would return to what ever is normal.

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