Friday 21 August 2015

We were talking about songs and lyrics the other day and I remarked how some tunes don't seem to fit the words. Warren asked me to explain what I meant. A song that I like and I play it occasionally I would describe as "sweet". Sweet is not big in my vocab or personality so it is unusual for me to like a song like this one.

I couldn't remember the name but I did know who sang it, Nick Cave of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Warren did look at me as though I was nuts (don't think I'm there yet). He asked if I meant The Nick Cave. Yep, I know he usually is a pretty hard rocker. I told him that we owned a copy. That would be hard to know when we have such a lot of CDs, but as we only had our own music to play when on community radio, I knew that we owned it on a compilation CD.
This is just some of them, one side of a four sided rack.
Anyway Warren researched it on the computer, (all of our music is on the computer). Nothing came up and I reminded him that he (Nick)sang it with Kylie.

The song is a sweet love song about a rose or so I thought until one day when I was playing it on the radio and realized that  he actually lures her to the river and while showing her the wandering rose he shoves her into the river and drowns her. The music is very soft and lilting but the words are deadly. He found it and I still like it.

 I had learnt a lesson while playing music on the community radio, in regards to actually listening to the words. One day I interviewed a couple about coping with Parkinson's Disease, the woman had started a new course of treatment and had overcome while a lot of her tremors. During an ad break, they told me that they were celebrating 40 years of marriage that day and were going out to lunch. With their permission, I did mention it on air and congratulated them. After they left, I rummaged around in my bag of CDs to play a song for them and found something that I thought would be suitable. It was called Band of Gold, sounded like a good one but to my horror it told the story of a woman who after a divorce was left with only her wedding ring. After that I made sure that I knew what the words on songs said before I played them.

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