Tuesday 25 August 2015

How I have "saved" a $1000.

We have always wanted to go to Tassie and have had plans but then changed them as something has cropped up. We have a spare week next month so we are booked to go. I had been looking at package deals and the like for awhile and had almost settled on one to book. It was eleven days, car hire and hotels for $1040 each person, I thought that sounded a good deal.

I like to check things out before going to a travel agent so that I don't get shocked and then commit to something that I don't really want to pay.

$1040 for car and accommodation was pretty reasonable but then I realized that it was each! To fit in with the dates, the plane tickets were quite high over $1200 for both of us to go and come back.

Got the fingers walking on the computer and have come up with air tickets to suit us for time and price for $900, have a car booked and while I haven't booked the hotels so that we can be flexible, I have looked at a chain that averages around $100 a night. Oh the $900 includes travel insurance.

All up about $2300 as apposed to $3300, doing a happy dance!

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