Tuesday 11 August 2015

Oldest electrical thing

Years and years ago I bought Warren a clock radio alarm and TV, all in one. Cant remember how much it cost but probably a fair amount mainly because of the TV. He was going away a lot at the time for work and staying in transit lines on Army bases. Very basic things in those rooms, bed and wardrobe maybe a chair if lucky. I thought that it would be good for him to have and take with him.

I think it would be about twenty five or a bit more years old. Definitely the oldest electrical piece of equipment that we own. It didn't get packed and taken on many of his jaunts mainly because of the size and weight, he had other stuff that had to go first.

Anyway that was his choice at least he had the opportunity to take a little personal TV with clock,radio and alarm. It has always taken up residence on his bedside table and used as clock radio and alarm. It has been used as a second TV at times and we did used to take it camping with us for a TV in the camper van.
The open novel on top gives some idea of the size, the TV is four inches squares (about 10 cms).

Often we use the radio as we are going to sleep, it has a one hour or a continuous option. 

Last weekend when I was on my own, it was quiet and I thought I would put the radio on to go to sleep. Pressed a button which I thought was the radio button and yes, I got radio but I also got the buzzer alarm sound. I pressed a few more buttons, thinking how hard can this be? I just want music! I gave up after a while and decided to go without.

I was rudely wakened at six o'clock the next morning with the alarm going off and the TV screen lit up with a bright light! What the? Slid a couple of slides and thankfully it shut down and I did manage to go back to sleep.

Getting into bed on Sunday night I said to Warren "You probably need to adjust the clock and radio." He laughed when I told him what I had done. A couple of clicks and we had nice music to send us to sleep, the following morning at six am, woke up to music. Bugger why couldn't I do that!

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