Saturday 8 August 2015

Mystery Tour

It was seven years this month that our Red Hat group got going and the Queen, myself and 39 (third in line) planned some thing different for the occasion. Well, it was 39's idea and she put it to us Queen and Vice Queen, which we thought was a great thing to do. She had a place in mind to end up but wanted something to do along the way.

About two months ago we set out with pen and paper ( I was the scribe, 39 the driver and the Queen being the Queen). We set a route and found lots of things places etc tat they would have to find or locate as they went along.

One month out and we had no takers to come along so we suggested that husbands, partners or friends be invited. In the space of a day or two we had seven cars, methinks some people were very vary of this mystery tour, thinking that they could not do it.

It was less than a 50 km drive with 30 things to look out for and the navigator had to tell the driver where to go, I'm sure some of the girls delighted in telling their husbands where to go! They were all given a sealed envelope with the meeting place just in case they got too lost. The cars were sent off at five minute intervals and arrived at around the same time of five minutes apart but not in the same order. No-one needed to open them.

The three of us on the day had a set of tasks, 39 sent everyone off, she had done all the instructions and did the finalization at the end to get the winner. Queen did up the certificates for the tour as well as our birthday ones and did coffee and tea. I organized and bought the food and went direct to the park to set up for lunch.

Thankfully everyone came in smiling and said what fun it was, they took between one hour and three minutes and one hour and seventeen minutes. The last car who I thought would be quite fast as she is a fast driver had stopped and made a detour to her house for a "comfort stop"

Our lunch was at the beach and although it was cool there was little wind and it turned out a very nice day. A husband and wife team won and received a red car for the driver and the navigator, a notebook and pen in the shape of a red lipstick.

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