Sunday 9 August 2015

Crossed off the list.

Yesterday I had a great day when many things crossed off my list. I don't have an actual list but I do think about things that I want to get done in the day. Most days I don't achieve even half what I set out to do.

I said to Warren Friday night as we prepared for bed, that I was going to stay in bed in the morning and finish my book. it was a rather intriguing story.  He said that he assumed I would want breakfast in bed, my reply "well that would be good."

Woke up reasonably early for a saturday and started reading, I had figured out who dunnit but needed to make sure that I was right. ( I was but always satisfying to have in confirmed).

Breakfast was served about 7.30am an egg on toast and coffee. It was good as after I got up I could start on my tasks for the day.

 Checked my emails and wrote a couple of things, then moved on to tidying the spare room, I had things out looking for a particular thing earlier in the week but then didn't have time to pack away.

Moved into the sewing room where I completed the items that I had started last weekend, six journal covers, stuffed the last teddy bears that I had knitted and sewed on their scarves and eyes.

Did two months worth of ironing (sounds pretty impressive!) two shirts and two pairs of pants.I don't ever have a lot of ironing and can't be bothered to get the iron out for one thing but as I had it out to iron my sewing things I thought I might as well finish them.

A jacket of Warren's was in my sewing room, he wanted me to make inside pockets in it so I did that, took about five minutes, why hadn't I done it before and got rid of it.

Then I made a Christmas gift!!!! I know it is only August and Christmas is a long way away but I had a thought the other day and decided to do it while it was fresh in my mind. We take along a gift to the value of no more than $5 for Red Hats so I bought a purple notebook and made a cover for it.
This is the result. I had everything else on hand so the cost was only $5 and a bit of time.
Lunch was something from the freezer heated and we went to friends for dinner so I was able to get a lot done, even some knitting in between.

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