Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Sausage roll with a difference.

I bought some mince when doing the grocery shopping with a view to make pasties. We both love Cornish pasties and did have a couple while we were travelling. Most places have pies but few have pasties.

The mince i bought was classed as gourmet mince and had no preservatives in it which is a good thing but I noticed, it said on the pack that it needed to be used or frozen within 24 hours. Yikes, I wasn't prepared with vegetables to make the pasties so I make sausages rolls instead.

I did also buy a huge bunch of silver beet or spinach, not often this is for sale or maybe I just shop at the wrong time and we both like it.

Using Annie the Thermomix, I roughly chopped the silver beet and threw in some mushrooms as well so that it would chop down into manageable pieces, add 500 gms of mince, some tomato sauce, salt and pepper.

It made a fairly solid mound, I had two sheets of pastry thawing and I had seen on TV, some making large rolls using a whole sheet of pastry, I usually make sausage roll size.

The guy on TV had cut the pastry first and then spread it like lattice and it looked good so I did that as well.
There was dinner and I have two smaller ones in the freezer for a quick lunch or a picnic.

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