Sunday, 14 August 2016

Lucy the Escape Artist!

Friday Warren usually goes to tennis and with me going to work, he hummed and harred about going as it would mean Lucy being left on her own for the first time, but figured she needed to get used to it some time.

He took her for a short walk, gave her a bone to chew on outside and left for tennis.

When he came back about three hours later, our neighbour called out to say Lucy was over with them.

It appeared that Lucy had been quite happy with her bone for awhile and then started looking for Warren. As she had been over the road for a couple of visits, she used the crossbars on the fence to get a hoist up, over she went and trotted across the road. Our neighbour felt a cold wet nose on the back of her leg and it was Lucy.

We (Warren) are now adding to the fence, making it higher and the addition is going on top of the cross bar so she wont be able to get a lift up.

There's no whimpering at night any more and she is walking on a lead quite well but isnt up to walking on one side or anything like that. We are teaching her to sit on command at the moment, she has come a long way in a short time.

This is her bed at night, we shut her in there and we do have to lift her in as she would rather sleep on the carpet but once she's in, she curls up straight away until morning.

We are going out later and we will take her with us.

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