Friday, 26 August 2016

Its Back!

Yay, our favourite program on TV is back on which is amazing because it was on erlier in the year! i dont mind at all as its funny, entertaining and witty. Or should that be that because it is funny and witty that makes it entertaining? Whatever it is a good show!

It is Google Box! The most weird concept of a program ever. Who would have thought that watching people watching TV programs would be so entertaining but it is.

All the old favourites are back with a couple of extras who were new to the program at te start of the year.

Programs they watched last night were The Bachelor which some-one coined the phrase "The Bitchalor" which is pretty much on the money as the girls are really bitchy to each other.  There was a little bit on the Olympics, then Australian Survivor and it finished with the movies Beaches, a real tear jerker. I havent watched the movie but I have read the book. The women were all teary and the men were quite cynical about it.

Unfortunately the timing was wrong as it is on the same time as another program that we like to watch. We had to toss up which one to watch and which one to tape. Google was on later so it got recorded however we did end up watching it at the end as we didnt want to wait until today.

Top show.

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