Friday, 26 August 2016

Freaked out!

Warren took Lucy for a walk past the dog free park a couple of days ago, as there was no-one there, he took her in and let her off the leash.She apparently panicked and went crazy. He had trouble getting her to come to him and he said that he was worried she was going to jump the fence and just run!

We both took her for a walk yesterday and rather than go the way I normally go with her, we went towards the dog park. I was thinking that we would take her into the park but keep her lead on.

We trot down the road thats her trotting and us walking, and we see a guy coming towards us with a small white dog. When there is about 30 metres between us, the guy takes his dog off to the side and down into the gutter area. The dog starts yapping and Lucy gets scared. We talked to her and had to stop to reassure her, her tail was between her legs and she was like a different dog. We set off and Lucy takes off, thank goodness we had the choker collar on as she pulled me, not an easy feat, for the next 30 metres to the kerb. The yapping dog was long gone. Lucy did sit at the kerb as she has been taught but was no interested in getting her treat.

As soon as we said she could cross, again she was straining to get further away. Two small dogs crossed in front of us and their owner put them int the dog park. I took Lucy to a bench to sit down and hopefully so she could calm down, she did a bit but I could tell that she didnt want to be there. Warren was talking to the lady and her dogs in the park. After a few minutes, Lucy was still agitated so we wen on with Warren catching us up. I thought that maybe it was the trees and bushland freaking her out as she had been found dumped  in bushland but only a few metres away from the park, her tail started to come up and her ears. She changed in a very short time and was back to the normal dog that we know.

We didnt go as far as I intended as i thought she needed to be home in her own environment so we crossed the road and of course there were a couple of barking dogs in large allotments, only a cyclone fence between them and us so Warren picked her up and we walked past them.

Once we got into our area she was fine again. Not sure where I am going to take her today for her walk, maybe just our usual one although, now that she does know it and walks well, it is not really long enough for her. At least today is not windy which probably didn't help yesterday.

We have got ourselves a dog with a few hang ups, just hope we can help her overcome them. I have never seen a dog so terrified before.

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